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domingo, 31 de dezembro de 2023

Error budget policy - considerations


Congratulations! You passed!

Grade received 50%
To pass 50% or higher
Question 1

What are some of the considerations when setting an Error Budget Policy? Choose all that apply.

0 / 1 point

Yes, a good policy explains the consequences of NOT applying it. And it’s important that the policy is consistently applied by all teams.

You didn’t select all the correct answers
Question 2

What are some examples of criteria of thresholds set in an Error Budget Policy?

1 / 1 point

Yes, monitoring burn rate and setting a threshold for this is a good example of threshold criteria.


Yes, setting up the system to page an on-caller when the SLO has been violated is a good example of threshold set in an error budget policy

sábado, 30 de dezembro de 2023

Commonly used SLIs


Congratulations! You passed!

Grade received 75%
To pass 75% or higher
Question 1

What are some characteristics of SLIs? Select all that apply (2 correct responses).

1 / 1 point

That’s correct! SLIs are quantitative measurements or metrics of a user experience and are best expressed as a proportion of all valid events that were good. For example, an SLI could be the proportion of HTTP requests that were served successfully.


That’s correct! SLIs are quantitative measurements or metrics of a user experience and are best expressed as a proportion of all valid events that were good. For example, an SLI could be the proportion of HTTP requests that were served successfully.

Question 2

Which of these is an example of an SLI?

1 / 1 point

Yes, that’s correct. Remember that SLIs are a measure of all good events divided by all valid events, while SLOs have reliability targets measured by SLIs.

Question 3

One commonly used signifier of success or failure is the status code of an HTTP or RPC response. How can this be problematic?

0 / 1 point

This is somewhat plausible. I mean, who can really say whether a "418 I'm a teapot" response is good or bad? But most services will only return a small subset of the available status codes, and at least for HTTP they are already grouped into different classes of success or failure.

Question 4

Which of these scenarios would a quality SLI be appropriate for? Select all that apply (2 correct responses).

1 / 1 point

Correct! Though the user is getting a response, as the subset of data searched gets smaller there's a larger chance that the result they were looking for is in the unsearched remainder. Not serving a user the result they want is bad for their experience, but we can only estimate the impact of this based on the size of the unsearched set.


That's right! The user is still getting a response, but they are not seeing up-to-date data, which may degrade the quality of their experience when using the service.