sábado, 30 de dezembro de 2023

Reliability and iterating


Congratulations! You passed!

Grade received 100%
To pass 66% or higher
Question 1

True or false, you should always aim to make your service as reliable as it can possibly be.

1 / 1 point

Correct! Remember that 100% reliability is almost always the wrong target. It becomes much, much more expensive to make systems even more reliable, so there’s some point where the marginal cost of reliability exceeds the marginal value of reliability.

Question 2

What are some characteristics of a good SLO target? Select all that apply (2 correct responses).

1 / 1 point

Yes, a good SLO should be ambitious and yet achievable. Plus, you’ll want to find the right point where it’s good enough to keep customers happy.


Yes, a good SLO should be ambitious and yet achievable. Plus, you’ll want to find the right point where it’s good enough to keep customers happy.

Question 3

True or false, once you’ve set your SLOs you never have to touch them again.

1 / 1 point

That’s right. It’s recommended that you revisit and reassess your SLOs at agree-upon intervals throughout the year as systems change over time.

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