sábado, 30 de dezembro de 2023

SLOs and SLAs


Congratulations! You passed!

Grade received 80%
To pass 80% or higher
Question 1

What are some characteristics of SLAs? Select all that apply (2 correct responses).

0 / 1 point
This should not be selected

No, SLOs are a better dividing line for user happiness. You can still be meeting your SLA and have unhappy users.


Yes, SLAs are external promises to customers and must come with consequences.

Question 2

What are some characteristics of SLOs? Select all that apply (2 correct responses)

1 / 1 point

That’s right. SLOs should be stronger than your SLAs so you can catch issues before they violate customer expectation. Otherwise, you risk running a very expensive service if you're constantly compensating your customers for missing your SLA.


That’s right. SLOs are internal promises (as opposed to being explicitly shared with customers), and they are directly tied to customer expectations.

Question 3

A startup just suffered a major outage and wants to change its ways. What are some possible ways it can reduce risks to its service? Select all that apply.

1 / 1 point

That’s correct. These are some possible practices that can reduce risk to your service.


That’s correct. These are some possible practices that can reduce risk to your service.


That’s correct. These are some possible practices that can reduce risk to your service.

Question 4

In regards to SLOs, what is The Happiness Test?

1 / 1 point

Yes, that’s correct. The Happiness Test states that "Services need target SLOs that capture the performance and availability levels that, if barely met, would keep the typical customer happy."

Question 5

True or false, your service should only have one SLO for a specific reliability measurement like latency.

1 / 1 point

Great job! There are many edge cases with SLOs that you should be aware of and you might want to set one or more targets to cover these edge cases. For example, it's common to set one latency target for the median user and one for the long tail.

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